maandag 12 oktober 2009

My First Roby :-)

The time has come to build my first robot, or well, at least try to get something moving :)

After seeing some video's at youtube, I ordered a Tamiya Bulldozer kit from as a mechanical base for the bot.

On the website of Francesco De Comité, I found the designs for some cheap sensors, so I ordered a bunch of parts from IR diodes, IS471F sensors, LDRs, 100K trim resistors and a L293 motor driver.

The heart of My First Roby will be an Arduino board, the Arduino Duemilanove, and since I recently started distributing those myself, I didn't have to order that part :)

The idea will be a simple bot that will drive towards the light and won't drive into objects. Not a very original idea, but hey, it's a start...

Well, time to wait for the parts, and search for some time...

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